
Mandatory Refresher Course

£50.00 Exc V.A.T

Mandatory Refresher Course pack is designed to provide a basic understanding for all carers and nurses on Moving & Handling, Infection Control, Health & Safety, Safeguarding of Adults, Fire Awareness.

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The Mandatory pack is designed to provide learners with a set of skills that should be updated on a yearly basis. The pack is aimed at workers already working in the Health and Social Care Sector or school setting. Learners will be able to understand the importance of practicing effective infection prevention practices and understand how to minimise the spread of infections from client to client while protecting oneself and family. The Fire Awareness introduces the learner to the different kinds of fire sources and the appropriate fire safety measures in the working environment. The course provides the skills required to react accordingly in the unlikely event of a fire in the working environment while introducing the learner to the different kinds of fire extinguishers. 

The Manual Handling course introduces the learner to the legal framework that governs the moving and handling of loads in the workplace, employee and employer rights and responsibilities under the Health and Safety Act, risks factors that can contribute to work place injury , how to move loads appropriately and risk assessments. The learner will be able to understand why work place health and safety is important, understand the importance of handling hazardous substances including medication, bodily fluids, among others safely and the various causes and symptoms of stress. The safeguarding of Vulnerable adults course will provide the learner an understanding of what is abuse, the different types of abuse and their associated signs and symptoms, principles of safeguarding, what to do if an individual is being abused, the appropriate reporting procedures as well as radicalisation. 

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